Process Costing: Definition, Features

process costing definition

In Dairy industries, butter or cheese is the main product, but butter milk is the by-product. In an Oil refinery, petrol is the main product, while sulphur, chemical fertilisers, bitumen are the by-products. The inventory costs brought forward from previous year is not added to the current costs. The objective of this method is to value the closing WIP at current costs.

process costing definition

This method is used when degree of completion of opening WIP is not given. The opening WIP units are not shown separately in the equivalent production statement, but are included in the total units completed and transferred to the subsequent process/finished stock. (d) Rate arrived at by step 3 should be applied for valuation of units representing abnormal gain and output of the process transferred to either next process or finished stock account. Coca-cola is a carbonated drink bottling company that specializes in unique flavors. The carbonated drinks that the company produces pass through several production departments. The first step in the process costing system is to analyze inventory.

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(g) Since the production is continuous in nature, there will be closing work-in-progress which must be valued separately. (a) The process cost centres are clearly defined and all costs relating to each process cost centre are accumulated. (3) Under this method of costing, it is difficult to value work-in-progress. (7) Control can be exercised through standard costing technique and it is possible to evaluate the performance of every process. Raw materials and sundry supplies required for each process are obtained from stores though stores requisitions.

The costs are transferred from one process account to another as the product is transferred. Stock of raw materials represents the stock of unused materials in various processes. Stock of raw material in the first process of a product in a manufacturing concern, if any, shall represent the basic raw material of that concern to be returned to the Stores Department. (d) Rate arrived at by step No. 3 should be applied for valuation of both unit repre­senting abnormal loss and output of the process.

How does a manufacturing company experience Abnormal Loss and Abnormal

It also means converting the uncompleted units into equivalent of completed units. In a manufacturing unit generally it is not possible to complete the work on all the units Fund Accounting 101: Basics & Unique Approach for Nonprofits on which work has been started. (vi) When total cost of the process is divided by the units produced in that process it results into per unit cost of that process.

  • Abnormal losses are credited out of the Process Account into an abnormal loss account at the full unit cost value.
  • Cost Control – Being every job is separate and each job has special characteristics and the job is not standardised so cost control is difficult.
  • But if we take the concept of equivalent unit into consideration for measuring efficiency then we can say the output for Jan. 2019 is equal to 2,400 units and the efficiency level for the period is 80%.
  • Process costing is not required a complicated accounting or IT system to collect data and calculate it.

(iii) Calculate the cost per unit of Equivalent output according to each element of cost. A product passes through three processes, Process A, Process B and Process C, to completion. (iii) All the losses which takes place in a process are shown in the credit of that process account.

Step #1. Analyze Inventory

In many companies, each stage of the production process is usually handled by a different department. Hence, each department prepares a report that includes the three elements of process costing which are the department’s direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead. The company then combines these reports to analyze the applicable total cost of the product. Calculating the applicable costs is the next step in the process costing system.